Friday, January 1, 2010

Trevor and Jenna were essentailly my royal coulple of my Sims game. They are one of the 4 founding families in my neighbourhood of Berkeley. Now with geneartions passing they are ready to come back. This is my first time creating the couples again. Jenna and Trevor are both heading off to college, being in a relationship. Out of their freinds and other couples, Dan and Mel are both in college, Seth and Trish are not yet born, and Dawn has just been born and Jesse hasn't. Dawn is really different then she was before. She was a pretty blonde, very girly. This time she has tattoos (got from her father, and they are the female version which is an Amy Winehouse skin - don't like the singer, but love the tattoos).
The sims that have been born are posted on my photobucket album located below.
SP_Passion Photobucket Album